Sunday, September 26, 2010

my title

The title of my blog is imagination is more important than knowledge, because this is a motto that I try to live by. Growing up in school where everyone was so competitive for good grades made learning not so fun. I was always the average one, sometimes even below average. My parents never yelled at me for getting a couple of C’s on my transcript, but I knew that they were not happy and were worried that I would not get into a good college. No matter how hard I studied, I never seemed to do that great on tests. So I decided to focus more on my creative side, by joining my high school’s dance team and choir. Participating in so many extracurricular activities made me focus less on the stress from school and eventually, I became more relaxed and accepting of the way I am.

I feel that I can really apply this motto to this class because we will be doing a lot of reading and analyzing. Analyzing the texts is more of the imaginative and creative side, rather than knowledge. I hated reading for most of my childhood, but as I grew older, I realized that reading is not all that bad if I had the right book. Like most people, it is easier for me to enjoy fiction novels compared to textbooks.

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